
My name is Colin Coulson. I am a graduate of the York University/Sheridan College joint YSDN Bachelor of Design program. Passionate about applying my critical/design thinking into researched and insightful design solutions, understanding that there is not one solution to wicked problems. Applying these skills in UI/UX design, Marketing, packaging and identity/branding.

My role as a designer and my goal is to learn from my peers and the users of each problem to create solutions that empower the user experience.


On a more personal level, I am always staying active. Sport and physical activity are very important to me, and as you can see, they have even crept into my design work. I have been playing soccer since I can remember and have recently added Muay Thai/kickboxing to my list of hobbies. The discipline and teamwork I have developed from competitive sports have shaped who I am today. 

In my downtime or on my daily commute, you will find me glued to my kindle, getting lost in a gripping story. 

If you have any questions or feedback for me or want to get in touch, feel free. I'm always looking to get involved in the design space.

Contact    coulsoncd@gmail.com
