Professional marketing design

A collection of professional work from my time at Other™ marketing agency. During my time, I produced work for thirteen clients, working off existing and developing new design approaches while learning from their exemplary team.

Collaboratively done alongside Associate Creative Director Mélissandre Collet, Senior Graphic Designer Kristen Erdelyi, Creative Project Manager and Operations Lead Christina Laronga, Senior Associate Carly Schmidt and Senior Copywriter Carson Sauer.



Epilogue Wills

Epilogue Wills came to Other.™ as a new client during my time there and I was assigned to their first set of creative alongside Senior copywriter Carson Sauer. We were tasked with creating new Spark, Nurture, and Convert creative in static and video.

Across all the existing creative, there was a lack of action for the user. We felt as though you would read the message and scroll past it. That is why, across all creative the “Start here →” button is present so the user knows to engage with the ad. In combination with the copy that contextualizes the short amount of time it takes to complete such an emotional and daunting task, it would be what the client needed to get users to engage with the ads and sell their services. The client was thoroughly pleased with the work and saw increased sign-ups.






With Reliance creative, I learned a lot of valuable lessons in working within existing creative templates and the process of refreshing the creative in new ways. I could also sit in on client reviews of creative, hearing directly from the client what was working and not working, and apply those lessons to future creative.


Dr-Ho’s was one of the first clients I worked on when I started at Other.™. I could work on many existing design templates to learn about the brand and then expand on the designs under guidance from the senior designers. I was given briefs to be completed based on the design systems created by the senior designers, which I learned to execute in quick deadlines.

Sweets from the earth

One of the opportunities given to me was to create a new approach for Sweets from the Earth’s social media creative. One of the stipulations was the limited hours we had to work on Sweets from the Earth’s creative because of their budget. With that, I created an iteration of the design that required less time spent isolating the product and image editing by using the white background the products were photographed on. This also allowed the images of the food to be larger and become the emphasis of the design. Utilizing the existing type layouts, colours, and assets saved time but also retained a familiar but fresh new look.

The client was presented with the creative using the existing template and my new approach. In which the client decided to proceed with the new creative approach!

New explorations (Top), Old designs (Bottom)


Final designs



A collection of work collaboratively done alongside Senior Graphic Designer Kristen Erdelyi and Senior copywriter Carson Sauer.


Henry’s and Lozeau

Like Reliance and Dr-Ho, I worked on many existing design templates. Working on Henry’s and Lozeau taught me a lot about completing large quantities of work within short deadlines. I learned and developed methods of reducing the time required to complete tasks and presented them to Senior members of the team. They were then implemented in the future creative process!


International Property magazine (a CSL H2 vendor) creates custom digital versions of their magazine. In this digital edition, I created three spreads designed in their style. The spreads and all the designs I produced for Cabot emphasized the incredible beauty captured in the images and the luxurious experience they provide their audience.



Although I could not present this project to the client, I am very proud of what Andrew Darimont, Junior Copywriter and I achieved with the limited assets the client provided us. We were tasked with refreshing Lenworths' LinkedIn ads. Given the two fan and door videos, as seen in the creative below, Andrew and I created a dynamic narrative that retains the users' interest and delivers the information they want/need from the product—capturing and delivering upon the deliverable laid out by the client in the project brief.

That's the end of this project. I hope you liked it. Why not check out the next one.